Monday, May 16, 2005

HAARP in disguise photos

This photo shows size relation of lamp towers to regular lamp posts (and cars). Note the amount of "light bulbs" on these ones along Hwy. 403 in Mississauga.

There are 3 large etheric beings on the grassy hill to the right.

Close up of the top portion of the lamp. What do you suppose the top disc part is for? Do you think they need so many light bulbs due to the sheer height of the posts?

Mixed lamps used together. The next lamp tower after this can be seen peeking at the top of the bridge and the post between the two overpasses. Again showing size relation.

Less bulbs on these posts. Even compared to a red and white tower, these things are high.

This photo was taken through the lense of polorized sunglasses. It was while wearing the sunglasses that I could see the energy much clearer. Lots of bulbs per lamp post and close together.

This photo is coming off Hwy. 400 to Hwy. 401. The lamp towers are along all the highways.

I've been telling others to look for the highest structure around, that's where you'll find a tower. They've been putting these things in plain veiw and well camaflouged.

We have more work to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anne.

Re: These new towers on the Hwy. Is one tb enough to turn it from producing DOR to POR ?

David Emmett

6/24/2005 10:57 AM  

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Another coincidence

Since posting here about multiple 73k emails, they've stopped coming. I'm still getting up to 50 or so spam daily, none of which gets opened or read.


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Customs Correction:

It's US Customs not Canadian Customs who are holding on to this shipment from Steve to Don.

UPS has said they have never heard of US Customs demanding a social security number for a gift before.

US Customs has refused to deliver the package preferring to do a "return to sender" with out proper ID.


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HAARP in disguise?

Since noticing the new triple height lamp posts erected around Toronto highways last year, I've had a bad feeling about them. When I first started seeing them, they were surrounded in gray energy, much like death towers. Why do they have to be so high and still so close together like the shorter regular ones? Certainly they use much more electricity with more bulbs per each one.

Today I saw one alongside a HAARP tower. Guess what? Same height. Same energy.

Could it be Toronto highways are being turned into HAARP arrays right in front of us? Could this be the reason 10,000 orgonite devices have not been successful in keeping our skies free from white outs and smog?

The reason I ask is I noticed heading south into Toronto from Brampton along Hwy 410 there is a row of these new lamp posts with a healthy blue glow - exactly like a busted tower.

I hope to get pics up soon to show you all what I'm referring to in case these are in other cities too.

Confirmation would be nice too, but I'm convinced these lamps are towers in disguise.


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Friday, May 06, 2005

Have you noticed?

Last week I observed the white out approaching the blue area of sky from the south west. I stopped to admire some birds flying around high in the clear part of the sky. Typical of hawks, they were flying in circles. I counted 3 or 4, then from seemingly no where 3 or 4 more appeared. I squinted to see just what kind of birds these were. I had assumed they were birds but the more I stared, the more they kind of looked like orbs. Aha! I have binoculars in the car. I was perplexed as the mere thought of getting a closer look at them made them all disappear!

As I stood there scratching my head, the white out reached the area the "birds" had just been a few minutes before. Now I'm wondering if these orbs have more to do with white outs than chemtrails do.


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UPS and Canada Customs Agents

Steve sent 192 prayer cups to Don Croft via UPS. He got a call saying they were at Canada Customs and won't deliver until they get a Don's social security number! How outrageous! Can they be any more obvious as to their true nature?

The Women Warriors spent some time blasting the package and the two guys in charge of stopping delivery. We amped up the energy from the orgone inside and directed the energy to stick to these guys until they let it get to where it's going.


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I got it but I don't get it.

When I turned off my light to hop into bed last night, the room was engulfed in deep blue energy. I let that go thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me and I was too tired to investigate anyway.

Two hours later I woke up and heard a voice in my ears saying something like "we are going to split your chakras". I felt my body vibrating which was similar to other times this has happened. I don't understand what splitting the chakras means.

Any idea?


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Speaking of Cowards

I took my family out for dinner last night, a rare treat for us. We all got varying degrees of food poisoning, my youngest being affected the most. She was awake most of the night was miserable all day today. Thanks for the effort guys but we are all fine now. Thank goodness for collidal silver and the zapper.

It's becoming so noticable that on chat blast days some kind of catastrophe makes itself known. Or the kids will act up. Reminding them why they feel that way calms them down. They don't like to let the other side use them.

And here might be a good place to thank all you alphabet agencies for sending me your viruses in email, but I don't need them. I might not be the smartest kid on the block but even I can tell an email with an attachment of 73k is a virus. Especially when you send so many with the same thing every day.

And while we are at it, I'd like you to leave my emails alone. I used to get at least 20 a day. Now 1 or 2 is average. Have a blast on me folks. You must have needed that, lots of energy went out.

To anyone who's emailed me lately, if I haven't answered, chances are I didn't get it.


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Cowardly attack

Sunday night after the Warrior chat blast I asked Lilly to help me with my dog. The cowards in temporary control got to him. He spent the day in his cage, his body shaking violently non stop. He refused food and to go outside to relieve himself. I had been blasting and zapping him, but his nerves were too bad for him to sit with me. He snapped at me and ran back to his cage, very uncharacteristic of him. His moaning periodically and his breathing was shallow and laboured. I was afraid he may not make it through the night.

She worked on healing him for about 15 minutes while I boosted her. It was obvious he was poisoned. I couldn't see him while we were doing this as he was still hiding.

It was getting late so she gave me some tips to help heal him. Bring energy into your crown, count to 4 while you breath in, and 4 while you breathe out. Bring the energy to your hands and lay your hands on him. Your hands will know how long to stay in that spot until it's time to move them. Don't look at him, it's not good to get involved in the healing. The energy comes from God, if you focus too much you get tired quickly. Let God do the work through your hands. When finished, take etheric shower.

Armed with this info, I went to his cage to keep working on him. He must have heard me coming. He steps outside his cage, and has a big lazy stretch while looking at me as if to say what a great nap I just had! And his tail was wagging. Instant healing! I'd say he was about 90% better immediately after Lilly's work on him. The next day you wouldn't know there was anything wrong with him.

Thanks Lilly!


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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Prime Blasting Target

Gro Harlem Brundtland is the Director-General of the World Health Organization.

Thanks goes to the German blasters for keeping this reptile in thier thoughts with love arrows of energy.

This photo shows the outline of an ugly beast on her throat, typical of those in power.


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